Tools for Seasonal Affective Disorder

When it comes to mental health I am no expert however I, like many of you, am surrounded by many who suffer and certainly have had my own moments of struggle and challenge.
Aromatherapy is easy to use and with Pure Energy, a very accessible tool. It's one of the reasons Pure Energy Apothecary exists; I wanted to make sure that ALL could have access to healthy skincare and real aromatherapy. Skincare made with real ingredients you can read and certified organic, essential oils can be affordable and accessible if a company chooses to make it so. Pure Energy's no nonsense, simply pure by nature focus makes accessibility possible.

Look for essential oils and products made with essential oils that naturally lift your spirits such as Sweet Orange, Lemon, Bergamot, Satsuma, Cedarwood, Pine, Peppermint, Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Eucalyptus Spearmint, and Clary Sage to mention a few. Give yourself a little self-care love, you'll be surprised how you'll naturally start to feel a little brighter and a little lighter.
Keep your favorite Pure Energy Apothecary tool at your desk, in your kitchen, living room, in your bag, briefcase, diaper bag, backpack, pocket or whatever you carry.
Aromatherapy is a tool (not necessarily a cure-all). Arming ourselves with tools to support our daily lives is part of being life warriors! The mental health stigma needs to end. Seeking care should feel as easy and accessible as the way we would treat high blood pressure or diabetes.
Take control, find your tools and brighten your days.
Have you made aromatherapy a part of your life? I'd love to hear about your experiences.
with love and light,
Additional resources:
On top of aromatherapy other easily accessible tools could be vitamin D, light therapy, meditation, and exercise. There really are so many resources for life warriors when we look for them. I always share these two when asked:
Pure Energy Apothecary's own Brand Ambassador, Morella Devost, EdM, MA
National Suicide Prevention hotline Call 1-800-273-8255
For those of you who suffer with S.A.D. know our doors are always open to you, we are here to listen and support however you need us too. Email is available 24/7 and during the week you can reach us at 802.399.2418
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